Auto Insurance (Basic) Leads


Lead Capsule offers a pre-configured auto insurance vertical template, which allows you to be up and running with your auto insurance vertical in a few mouse clicks. The basic auto insurance template creates all the necessary fields for a 1 driver auto insurance lead. The fields created, when setting up an auto insurance vertical using the vertical template, will create the following basic auto insurance fields automatically. 

Auto Insurance (basic)Template Fields

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Cell Phone
  • Email Address
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Middle Name
  • Phone
  • Date Of Birth
  • Applicant credit rating
  • Has filed bankruptcy in last 7 years?
  • Years at residence
  • Months at residence
  • Own Home?
  • Employer
  • Occupation
  • Years at work
  • Months at work
  • I agree to the terms of service
  • Consent type
  • Consent text
  • IP Address
  • User Agent
  • SubId
  • Source
  • Gender
  • Married?
  • Drivers License State
  • Drivers License Number
  • Date License Issued?
  • Age licensed
  • Drivers license status
  • Ever susp. or revoked?
  • Driver's Education?
  • Education level?
  • SR22 required?
  • Active military?
  • Year (yyyy)
  • Make
  • Model
  • Trim
  • Vehicle VIN number
  • Vehicle salvaged?
  • Vehicle has alarm?
  • Alarm Type
  • Vehicle is a 4-wheel drive
  • Vehicle has ABS brakes?
  • Vehicle has airbags?
  • Has automatic seatbelts?
  • Where is the vehicle parked?
  • Vehicle owned or leased?
  • Vehicle primary use?
  • Annual miles driven
  • Commute days a week?
  • One way distance
  • Comprehensive deductible
  • Collission
  • Rental coverage
  • Towing?
  • Coverage type
  • Current expiration date
  • Currently insured?
  • Current insurance company
  • Current Insurance Preminum
  • How many years with current insurance company
  • Insured since?
  • Requested bodily injury
  • Requested coverage type
  • Requested property damage
  • Full-time student?
  • Ticket date
  • Ticket type?
  • Accident date
  • Accident type?
  • Accident at fault?
  • Claim date
  • Claim type?
  • Claim at fault?
  • DUI date?
  • DUI State?
  • Years continuously insured?
  • Medical Payments
  • Uninsured motorist coverage
Please note: Even though these basic auto insurance fields are created, they do not have to be used. You may also add in your own custom auto insurance fields.